If you click Submit/Calculate Fees and receive an error message in red showing the following Error "GetFeesCalculation: [104] File name contains invalid characters."
This means you will have to rename your document without any special characters (i.e. .!@#$%^&*) in the File Name to avoid this error.
- NOTE: The courts determine filename requirements. Some courts may allow certain special characters, but technical support will not know this information. Instead, we recommend removing all special characters entirely.
- NOTE: A filename longer than 25 characters will also trigger this error message. Please keep filenames no longer than 25 characters.
To remove the incorrectly named file, navigate back to the Filings page.
Then Click on the Pencil icon next to the filing to edit.
For Most States:
For Louisiana:
For Most States: Scroll down the screen until you locate the Lead Documents (or Documents) and click the "Remove" option noted with a trash can icon to remove the document with the special character built into the title of the document.
For Louisiana: Scroll down the screen until you locate the Lead Documents (or Documents) and click the trash can icon to remove the document with the special character built into the title of the document.
To rename your files...
Right-click the file, then left-click the "Rename" option in the context menu that appears.
You can also select the document and press the F2 key to rename it.
Type a new name for your document, then click the "Enter" key to lock in the new name.
Click the file and either click "Enter" on your keyboard or force click the document's name.
You can also select the file, then click "File" in the menu at the top of your screen and select "Rename" in the context menu that appears.
If you have a mouse with two buttons, you can also right-click the document, then left click the word "Rename" that appears in the context menu.
You can also select the document and press the F2 key to rename it.
Type a new name, then click the "Enter" key on your keyboard to lock in the new name.
Note: Some courts may have different file name requirements than others. We recommend naming your document as simple as possible, letters only preferred. If you still receive this error after reuploading your newly named document, we also recommend starting a new draft or using the Print-To-PDF method to re-save the document, especially if the document contains fillable input fields.