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What Are Templates Used For?
Templates are a feature within the e-filing system that allows users to create case initiation filings and existing case filings faster. Templates are a way to set the website up for the same type of cases and filings.
To learn about how to create templates, please select one of the following options:
FOR MOST STATES: How Do I Create a Template?
To create a template, click "View My Templates" at the bottom of the Templates card on the Dashboard or click on the three-line "hamburger menu" icon at the top right and select Templates.
On the templates page, click the +Add Template option on the upper right corner of the screen.
Enter a template name, select whether the template is for a New Case or Existing Case, then click the blue Edit Details button at the bottom right of the screen.
Enter the case information of the template. In this order, click on the drop down boxes for Court Location, Case Category, and Case Type. When all the required boxes are selected, click on Parties.
- Please Note: Templates are for specific court locations and specific case types in those courts (as different courts may hear different types of cases). To create a template, you must select a Court Location, Case Category, and Case Type.
Enter the Party information for the template, if required. If there are no asterisks or red boxes under the fields, the fields are optional. Once all the information for the template has been entered, click on Filings at the lower right-hand corner. (You may be able to skip this step entirely.)
The Filings section is skippable. Click Service to continue.
Add an email contact to the template party by clicking one of the Add Service Contacts options, if you desire. (This step is not required.) Click the blue Fees button to progress.
Select the Payment Account, Filing Attorney, and Party Responsible for Fees, if desired. (Again, this step is not required.) Click Summary to continue.
Review the template, then click Save Template.
How Do I Use a Template?
To use a template for a New Case, click the folder icon on the right side of the template name to create a draft using that template.
To use a template for an Existing Case, click on the three-line "hamburger menu" icon at the top right, click the My Filings section, then select the Filing History subheading.
On the Filing History page, locate the case you want to file into using a template. Click on the Actions button to the right of the case, then select File Into Case with Template on the dropdown menu that appears.
How Do I Edit a Template?
To edit one of your existing templates, either click the three horizontal line (hamburger) menu button at the upper left corner of the screen and select Templates, or click View My Templates at the bottom of the Templates section of your Dashboard.
Locate the template you want to edit and click the blue Pencil (Edit) icon to the right of the template's name.
If you cannot find the template you are looking for, use the Filter controls at the top of the page to help you find it. Set the Filter Type via the dropdown menu at the upper left to one of the options in the menu (My Templates, My Favorites, or Firm Templates for Firm Accounts), then enter the template's Name and click the Filter button to filter your search results. Click Reset to reset your filter as needed.
You can rename the template and set it as a Favorite here. To continue editing, select Edit Details.
Edit the template as needed, then click the blue Save Template button at the bottom of the Summary page to lock in your changes.
FOR LOUISIANA: How Do I Create a Template?
To create a template, click "View My Templates" at the bottom of the Templates card on the Dashboard or click on the three-line "hamburger menu" icon at the top right and select Templates.
On the templates page, click the +Add Template button on the upper right side of the screen.
Enter a template name, click on one of the selection options for New Case or Existing Case, then click Edit Details.
Enter the case information of the template. In this order, click on the drop down boxes for Court Location, Case Category and Case Type. When all the required boxes are selected, click on Parties.
- Please Note: Templates are for specific court locations and specific case types in those courts (as different courts may hear different types of cases). To create a template, you must select a Court Location, Case Category, and Case Type.
Enter the template Party information. If there are no asterisks * or red boxes under the input field or dropdown menu, then that field or menu is optional. Once all the information for the template has been entered, click on Filings at the lower right-hand corner.
Select the appropriate Filings options for the template. If there is not an asterisks or red box under the field, the field is optional. Click Service to continue.
Add any Service Contacts you need to add to your draft, then set up the Fees options (Payment Account, Filing Attorney, and Party Responsible for Fees) to continue. Add only the data you would need for the template. Click the blue Summary button to move to the final stage of template creation.
Review the template, then click the blue Save Template button at the bottom or right side of the page.
How Do I Use a Template?
To use a template for a New Case, click the Folder icon on the right side of the template name to create a new draft using that template.
To use a template for an Existing Case, click on the three-line "hamburger menu" icon at the top right and select Filing History.
On the Filing History page, locate the case you want to file into using a template. Click on the button with three stacked dots to the far right of the case, then select File Into Case with Template on the dropdown menu that appears.
How Do I Edit a Template?
To edit one of your existing templates, either click the three horizontal line (hamburger) menu button at the upper left corner of the screen and select Templates, or click View My Templates at the bottom of the Templates section of your Dashboard.
Locate the template you want to edit and click the blue Pencil (Edit) icon to the right of the template's name.
If you cannot find the template you are looking for, use the Filter controls at the top of the page to help you find it. Set the Filter Type via the dropdown menu at the upper left to one of the options in the menu (My Templates, My Favorites, or Firm Templates for Firm Accounts), then enter the template's Name and click the blue Filter button to filter your search results. Click Reset to reset your filter as needed.
You can rename the template and set it as a Favorite here. To continue editing, select Edit Details.
Edit the template as needed, then click the blue Save Template button at the right side or bottom of the Summary page to lock in your changes.