You may be using our older Legacy website. To access those instructions, click here.
NOTE: The cost breakdown may not appear in the Fees section of the receipt offered by the green successful submission message a filer receives after submitting an envelope, but it will appear in this version of the receipt.
For more information about viewing envelope details, please select one of the following options:
To obtain a receipt for a filing submitted through the site, you will first need to access the Filing History.
Click on the 3 horizontal lines at the top left the screen. Click on My Filings. In the drop down menu, select Filing History.
To sort between envelopes and drafts, click on the Filing History or Filing Drafts options on the left-hand side of the screen. Filing History will show you submitted envelopes and Filing Drafts will show you drafted filings that have yet to be submitted to the court.
Clicking on Filter at the top right of the Filing History or Filing Drafts page will bring up different options to sort the Filing History and Filing Drafts.
Choose the appropriate options to search through your Filing History or Filing Drafts, then click Apply Filter. You can also use these filters to view filings by other users in your firm, if you are a legal professional using a Firm account.
Results will generate on the screen. The Actions icons directly to the right of each draft or envelope number will allow you to interact with that corresponding draft or envelope. Click Actions to see what actions can be taken within the draft.
To view the details and/or print a receipt of a filing, select Envelope details.
Envelope details for your filing should now be displayed on screen.
To see the Fees breakdown for this envelope, scroll down to the Fees section.
If you would like a printer-friendly version to use as a receipt, click the Print button to the top right of the envelope details.
This will load a printer friendly page of the receipt. You can right click on the page with your mouse, or press the CTRL + P keys on your Windows keyboard (CMD + P on a Mac) to be able to Print the receipt.
Follow the instructions below to get a receipt for a filing.
1. At the Dashboard, click on the View Filing History hyperlink OR click on the 3 horizontal lines at the top left, click on Filing History.
2. Select the appropriate filter options by clicking the circles to the left of each option. Click on Filter. You can also use these filters to view filings by other users in your firm, if you are a legal professional using a Firm account.
3. Once the results are generated, click on the View Details icon directly to the right of the Case/Envelope.
4. To view the Fees breakdown, scroll down to view the Fees section.
5. Receipt/envelope details are now displayed. Click the blue Print button for print-friendly view.