This redaction service allows filers to automatically identify and mask sensitive information within uploaded documents, prior to submitting them to the Court.
(Only available in Merced, Mendocino, Stanislaus, and Yolo counties. There is a $1.50 charge per redacted document. Locations and Prices are subject to change.)
The Auto-Redact service can be found in the Filings tab.
When selecting auto-redact, the page will load for a few seconds. You will receive a green message indicating that the document is auto-redacting, and may continue filing. Once completed, another message will pop up indicating that redaction has completed. This message will also show how many items were redacted.
If needing to edit any of the redactions, or review what has been redacted, click on Edit Redactions.
This will open up a new tab into a Content Manager window. Any fields highlighted will be redacted when the filing is submitted. If information is not highlighted and needs to be redacted, you can click on the Redact Area icon. Your mouse will then become a + icon, and allow you to click and drag over the sensitive information. When you are done selecting information to be redacted. Click on the floppy disc icon in the top right of this page to save your changes and exit
Examples of sensitive information are the following: