Each state sends a list of attorneys to the eFile software. If the attorney number does not verify, please contact the following based on the state that the attorney is in.
Any state not listed below does not require verification for attorney numbers. If you encounter errors in these states, contact your local bar association for more information.
Please note that technical support is unable to verify an attorney bar number.
Idaho | 208-334-3868 |
Indiana | Efilinghelp@courts.in.gov |
Illinois |
Contact ARDC http://iardc.org/About/HowToContact |
Maine | ecourtshelp@courts.maine.gov |
Maryland | 410-260-1114 |
Massachusetts |
Contact Support at 1-800-297-5377 Provide Attorney's First & Last Name |
Minnesota | 651-227-2002 |
New Hampshire | 855-212-1234 |
New Mexico | Supreme Court: 505-827-4860 |
North Carolina | ecourts@nccourts.org |
North Dakota | 701-328-4218 |
Oregon | 1-800-922-7391 |
PA Lehigh County | 610-782-3148 |
Rhode Island |
401-222-3000 RISCAP only: HelpDesk@courts.ri.gov |
Tennessee | Contact Davidson County |
Texas |
Contact Support click here |
Vermont | VTSCAP only: JUD.Attylicensing@vermont.gov |
Washington D.C. | (202) 879-1400 or NewAttorneyRequest@dcsc.gov |